This past Saturday marked St. Frank’s 2nd birthday. A lot has changed since we launched our site and started selling just 3 framed textiles. Yowza. Last week we finalized our very first catalog, which should be dropping into your home mid-month (if you don’t receive one, but would like to, we’d be happy to pop a copy in the mail – just ping for the hook up). Pulling together and reading and re-reading and re-reading again this book has been a great time for us to reflect and refocus the St. Frank story. What’s all this business about? 2 years later, our mantra is no longer “framed handmade textiles,” it’s about you.
Your story is the St. Frank story. We want to invite you on our adventure around the world. Many of you have been to the countries where we work. You’ve seen beautiful sites and learned exotic customs. You’ve tried different cuisines and danced to music with a different beat sipping on a local beer. You’ve visited a foreign place of worship. You’ve made friends there. You consider yourself a citizen of the world. When you return home, you’re not the same. You want your home to reflect who you are, to tell your story and share your memories. You want to bring your new and old friends together and share your world. And you want to make your world – home and far away – the best it can be.
That got a little serious for a blog post, but all that to say, we want that too. That’s why we’re here and why we do what we do.
We’ve introduced a lot of new products over the last year when we first grew beyond framed textiles to pillows and then throws. Over the next couple weeks, we’re going back to our roots bringing you new offerings of the products you’ve loved. We’ll take some time to show off what’s so great about each of these pieces, starting with art, and then pillows, and then throws, and so on. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for our book in the mail. Let us know what you think!
Below we’re sharing a preview of behind the scenes footage of the making of our catalog. We’ve highlighted a glamorous-seeming excursion paired with an unglamorous trick of the trade. We borrowed the homes of 6 friends and family members to make this catalog happen… and broke a champaign flute, a teapot, and a piece of coral in the process. Not to mention Christina got bitten by a horse… twice. Ouch. A huge thank you to our generous hosts. We don’t know where we’d be without the extended St. Frank home – from these beautiful photo shoots, to the couches and guest rooms that have housed our team around the world for the last 2 years. Thanks for taking part in the magic!

Melissa drove her friend’s super cool Defender to Khoury’s friend’s gorgeous Petaluma ranch. There were horses that were not quite as friendly. Thankfully Khoury has some horse whispering skills. Christina hid in the trunk.

Our new friend and fabulous model Kaitlyn stepping out of the car. We don’t generally look like this stepping out of a car after we arrive in Africa, but we have goals.

Kate doin’ her thang.

And the result: a Californian safari.

Kate getting down.

Are you catching the drift? Travel with our throw for a perfectly chic airplane blanket turned wrap. Shameless plug to shop now!

Christina trying to hone her flower arranging skills in her mom’s garage in St. Louis.

Tabletop bliss in yo mama’s garage. This is what we call smoke and mirrors. Now, look out for the result!